The world may be known Without leaving the house;
The Sky may be seen Apart from the windows.
The further you go, The less you will know.

Friday, December 29, 2006

trying to keep rational...

- unfortunate native born under latitude 30° - gargantuesque inferiority complex on most native individuals - information is normally witheld, mixed up purposively when not hidden altogether, for no apparent reason - no such things ever as a "kept word", "mutual trust", "reliability" and so on... - intestine conflicts over-reign in the souk - any foreigner, around here, is the victim of conjectures and common places... foreigner feels like pot of honey attacked by swarm of dirty flies - unfortunate native spends very little or no time at all reading, studying, cultivating forms of "entertainment for the mind" therefore interchanges with other humans are very basic - native's favourite past time: side-street cafes, consuming sugary liquids ("kes té"), trying to deceit unaware "innocent" tourists into visiting most uninteresting spot in the Sahara desert - main subject of conversation, of course: flus, flus, flus... but i am having lots of fun all the same...


Anonymous said...

i wonder how you manage... ;-)

(and yet it's a small world we live in. contradictions and incoherence may just appear more evident below lat. 30° but that's exaclty what you may find out around here - above parallel 30 - when you scratch the glossy surface of so called civilization... and you really don't have to go that deep! ciao! :-)

Anonymous said...

then i will send to you that copy of The Leviathan! so that you may shut the whole world outside of your room and read, and feel that words count still, and... The Critique of Pure Reason too! ;-) along with !

miss brodie said...

money money money. oh it's funny, it's a rich man's world.
secondo me non hai vissuto abbastanza in Sicilia o comunque nel Sud Italia, avresti percepito plus ou moins le stesse cose. Detto questo devi andare alla ricerca di qualche native con aspirazioni/livelli culturali più alti.